Doug’s Story
“In 1995 I was dating my future wife, Tammy and she was spending the summer working at OPC Boys Camp as the camp nurse. After a few weeks I went up to camp for a visit, and accompanied her to breakfast. Never having been to camp myself I had no idea what was awaiting in the Dining Hall. Tammy distributed meds while I sat at a table with some boys, getting acquainted with the concepts of trays, scrapers, and runners. It was after eating that things really went bonkers. Boys Camp Director Mo made the daily announcements, after which he said “And now it’s time for the health and safety message.” Suddenly the theme from the TV series “Wonder Woman” came blasting out of the sound system, every camper and counselor jumped to their feet and began to do the free form Wonder Woman dance. When the song ended the rafters shook as everyone chanted “BACK TO BACK… BACK TO BACK” then the music restarted and we did the whole thing all over. At the end of the song Tammy (whose camp name was indeed Wonder Woman) bounded up to the microphone for the daily health and safety announcement. I forget exactly what she said, but there was something about taking meds, changing socks and she ended with “and take a shower, because some of you guys STINK!” This was met with uproarious applause as she left the mic.
That was my introduction to the vibrant energy of dining hall. Since then we’ve remained in touch with the OPC community, our own son later attended Boys Camp and is now a counselor at OPC. Every time I enter the Dining Hall I have a smile remembering that day, and I hope every boy who was there remembers it as vividly as I do.”
Doug De Gelder
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