McGee’s Story
“I’m sure it’s been said by many, but the dining hall was the hub of camp; whether it was coming back from a day off as a summer staff and being swept up into the business of camp at breakfast or even participating/teaching activities all morning or afternoon and re-connecting with the buzz at the next meal. Such a seemingly simple place to gather and eat together and yet such profound times of service happened there. We served through setting up or cleaning. Maybe it was inviting someone else to serve the table or clean the plates. It may have looked like thinking seriously about food waste and returning to the ‘horn of plenty’ to get more (which was a table that we used ensure that access food was eaten before more was taken from the kitchen)… What better a place to be the hub of camp to send us out with hearts thankful for being served and having the chance to serve one another”
Jon Lefave ‘McGee’
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